
ILS is dedicated to providing Plaintiffs’ attorneys with cutting-edge technology backed by seasoned experts who know how to deliver results for Plaintiffs.

Gain a Competitive Edge with Strategic ESI Consulting Customized for the Plaintiffs’ Bar

When you work with ILS, our team of eDiscovery experts will assist you in early discovery negotiations, support your motion practice, testify by affidavit and in court, attend discovery-related depositions with you, and help create a strategic discovery plan to litigate your case best. Our consulting team is a known, trusted partner that never backs down from advocating for our clients’ positions. We will help ensure that your ESI protocols are designed for Plaintiffs’ interests and that you receive the defense data you need to win your case.

  • Passionate, experienced attorneys and technical experts provide battle-tested strategic support and testimony from the outset as eDiscovery challenges and issues arise throughout the case.
  • ILS consultants are available for ESI negotiations, meet-and-confers, motion support, testimony, and strategic guidance.

Want to learn more about how we can help?