ILS Articles & News

ILS has provided a handy searchable archive of important decisions on discovery matters.
We do so as a convenience and hope that you will find it interesting, helpful and informative.
However, our case briefs are not intended to replace legal research or relieve counsel of their duty to independently evaluate the law as it applies to their particular cases.

  • Ethical Obligations in eDiscovery – New Lexis/Nexis Webinar with e-Discovery expert Diane Barry and the Hon. James Smith

    3 Dec 2010

    2010 Update: Ethical and Professional Obligations in E-Discovery In-Depth CLE* Webinar Wednesday, December 15, 2010 3 p.m. (Americas) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Register Join eDiscovery expert Diane Barry and the Hon. James Smith (Ret.) for a one-hour Webinar on the attorney’s ethical obligations under the new eDiscovery provisions of

  • e-Discovery: Proportionality, Technology and Practice Standardization

    3 Nov 2010

    Principle 6 of the just released Sedona Conference Commentary on Proportionality in Electronic Discovery provides that: Technologies to reduce cost and burden should be considered in the proportionality analysis While most of the provided commentary (parties should meet and confer, etc.) will be familiar to eDiscovery adepts, there is some

  • Approaches For Triaging Foreign-Language Documents

    12 Jan 2010

    One of the many complications encountered with litigation involving international parties is dealing with large volumes of foreign language documents. Typical approaches range anywhere from asking ones international client for translation support, hiring bilingual reviewers to the case team, using Machine Translation (MT) to translate all of the documents and

  • Need To Review Non-English Language Documents? Program Based Issue Coding Using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Machine Language Translation (MT) May Be Your Answer

    9 Dec 2009

    The litigation document review process is demanding enough when the files being reviewed involve electronically stored information (ESI). When international parties are involved, foreign language documents may be added to the mix. For many litigation case teams, the first impulse is to begin their document review either by hiring translators

  • International Parties Litigation Services Group Headed by Mark Shipow Esq. of ILS

    25 Nov 2009

    Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 25, 2009– ILS (International Litigation Services, Inc.) announced today that it has selected Mark Shipow Esq. to direct its International Parties Litigation Services Group Mr. Shipow as a practicing attorney had emphasized representing and litigating against international parties in a wide variety of litigation, arbitration

  • Litigation Hold Missteps: Pre-waiver of Privileges

    26 Oct 2009

    By Diane E. Barry, Esq. In Major Tours v. Colorel, the federal district court for the District of New Jersey held that the client (defendant Colorel) had waived attorney client privilege regarding eDiscovery response process well before counsel began their actual discovery work. In other words, the privilege was gone

  • Using Interpreters in Litigation

    1 Sep 2009

    IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY, in which it is increasingly common to have disputes between individuals and companies from around the world, interpreting from a foreign language into English requires significant attention. It is not enough simply to hire an interpreter on someone’s recommendation and then let the interpreter take it

  • eDiscovery a.k.a. “The Money Pit”

    6 May 2009

    By Joe Thorpe & Diane Barry Esq. Are Rising Discovery Costs Inevitable? Most corporations long ago resigned themselves to the fact that litigation is just another part of the cost of doing business. Fortunately, given the current state of the economy, many corporations are re-examining this “fact.” Across the corporation,